So. New Metric is really good. I love it. I don't know if I'm just biased because of my overwhelming crush on Emily Haines, but Metric can do no wrong. Saw them at the Civic Centre last week and they sounded amazing! I didn't think she would actually be able to hit some of notes like she does on the album, but I was painfully wrong. And her stage presence is ridiculous, she's definitely abusing the minidress. Oddly, they didn't play Help, I'm Alive. I think my favourite songs from the album are Collect Call and Stadium Love. I want her life.
They did a really amazing version of Live it Out for the encore.
Malajube also played and I really enjoy them even though I have no idea what the fuck they're singing about. They're definitely worth listening to.
And Bedouin Soundclash played, but I'm not really a fan. They sounded just like they do on the radio, so I guess that's good.
So now I'll get back to my essay.
haha its so true...one day were gonna be watching metric and shes just gonna come one completely naked..like how much shorter can your dress get?!