Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top 10

Top 10 Bands to See in Concert

In order from most wanting to see to least. Not including bands I have already seen!

2. Arctic Monkeys
3. Daft Punk
4. Radiohead
5. Broken Social Sene
6. M.I.A.
7. Sigur Ros
8. Iron & Wine
9. The Kooks

I might hate this list tomorrow. Except for MGMT. I would do very bad things to see them.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I really do love Taylor Swift.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Donkey Punch

Because something this ridiculous needs to be shared with the world!
This actually makes me die...of know, as opposed to that other thing.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weezer Cover MGMT/Lady Gaga?

I actually like this except when he tries to hit those high notes. Doesn't sound quite right. Also, methinks River possibly drunk.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The Glue Society is pretty neat. Group of artists of various based in Sydney/New York.

Most Amusing:

and this video is my favourite (so far).

Kids Video

MGMT BLOW MY MIND. Love the new video...they would do one like this, all monsters and fucked up shit like that.
Directed by Ray Tintori who also did Time to Pretend. Joanna Newsom is the chick in it. She sings and stuff.

Another reason they are amazing:


Friday, June 5, 2009

Sick Muse Video

So Metric has a new video for Sick Muse. Kind of feel like they got drunk and were like "hey, wanna shoot a music video?" Not really. I love them and Emily Haines is sahhhhhhh hawwwwwwwwwwt. fuk. Also, makes me less self conscious about my albino-esque paleness.